Floor Inspectors Educational Guild
April 4, 2018 @ 8:30 am - April 6, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
| $290 – $300Guild Seminar April 4, 5 & 6, 2018
The Guild’s Spring Seminar
When? April 4, 5 & 6, 2018
Where? Dalton Convention Center, Dalton, GA
Tuition? $300, Senior Citizen Tuition, $290.00
Use this link to register
The last day to register is March 28, 2018
This class is specially designed not only for the Floor Inspector, but the Retailer, Installer, Manufacturer and Distributor.
Everyone is welcome.
The first day of class qualifies for Continuing Education Credits for Architects and Engineers.
Reserve your seat to learn with the representatives from leading manufacturers, and their claims analysts.
Richard Schmidt, Tarkett Tech, informed us today his program will cover the different types of speciality flooring for health care facilities and hospitals.
The products, adhesives, the methods of application, specification and extremely important, maintenance.
If you want to be in this growing market, you will need this information.
7:45 AM – 8:30 AM
Registration and books dispersed
8:30 – Class Starts
Wynn Wright, construction engineer
Topics: Moisture movement and vapor drive, leaks caused by construction defects, joists systems, sealed crawl spaces, basements.
Topics: How to recognize these construction moisture issues and detect them, and a brief introduction to IR cameras and how we can use them.
One break approximately 10:30
Lunch from Noon to 1:30
1:30 Class resumes to 3″30 – 4:00 PM
4:00 PM – Discussions by students and various teachers present to apply Mr. Whites class to our flooring concerns.
Day 2
8:00 AM – 10:00
Mohawk will be teaching retailers, installers and inspectors the intricate details about their new product, Air.0.
How to install it, maintain it, and inspect it.
This is a new product from Mohawk, don’t miss the opportunity to hear this new information if you do Mohawk Inspections, plan on selling or installing it.
10:15 AM – Noon
Mapei is sending some of their best techs to teach us the latest on Joint Control; expansion, architectural, control, and soft joints.
Many flooring failures from all types of products, are impacted by failures to properly address this issue.
This class will help you understand, prevent, and for inspectors, report the correct issue and how it happen.
1:30 PM, Classes resume with Tarkett until 4:30 PM
Tarkett has developed a special program.
In our country today, Health Care is a hot topic, and for flooring professionals with all the new health care facilities being built, a hot commodity for us.
As always, open and honest discussions by Richard Schmidt from Tarkett. What type of installations work best in these facilities. What adhesive? What methods of maintenance that will clean and disinfect without destroying the floors?
One break approximately 2:45 PM
Day 3
8:30 AM
What has come to be known for flooring inspectors as Shaw Day.
In a telephone conversation with Shaw’s contact person in charge of their day at the seminar, Mr. Len Daubler informed me they would start with their various wood products and later their many different vinyl products.
Coretex products are a major concern for many inspectors and it will be taught also.
Shaw will be doing installation instructions with hands on demonstrations of their hard surface products.
We will have set up two video cameras feeding into a projector onto two large screens the demonstrations. You will not need to leave your seat to see the hands on demonstrations.
At the same time, the standards, tolerances and written instructions will also be displayed by Power Point onto a third screen in the middle on the stage so you can see, and hear everything.
You wil receive copies of their standards and tolerances, and, see exactly how they want their products installed.
The Guild has spared no expense to make sure, you leave knowing you saw and heard it all.
Click here to register